Tianli 400/60-15.5 FI 14PR 132A8/145A8 TL Pneu para venda, ID: 8372155
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  • ≈ 139 576 AOA
  • ≈ 163 USD

Tianli 400/60-15.5 FI 14PR 132A8/145A8 TL

Pneu novo por Máquina agrícolaTianli 400/60-15.5 FI 14PR 132A8/145A8 TL


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Pneu novo por Máquina agrícola Tianli 400/60-15.5 FI 14PR 132A8/145A8 TL

Publicado: 2meses. 10ds.

Pneu por Trator novo Tianli 400/60-15.5 FI 14PR 132A8/145A8 TL: foto 1
Pneu por Trator novo Tianli 400/60-15.5 FI 14PR 132A8/145A8 TL: foto 2
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Publicado: 2meses. 10ds.



Preço excl. IVA

  • ≈ 139 576 AOA
  • ≈ 163 USD



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Polônia, Słupsk

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pneumatic diagonal, 400-15.5
Mais Informações

We are pleased to present to you Tianli agricultural tire with full name:

400/60-15.5 TIANLI FI (Flotation-Implement) 14PR

Tianli model FL agricultural tires in size 400/60-15.5 represent the highest standard among implement tires for agricultural trailers. As a renowned manufacturer of agricultural and industrial tires, the Tianli concern is renowned for providing quality products that deliver unparalleled performance, durability and reliability. In particular, the FL model in size 400/60-15.5 sets new standards in the market, offering customers the best solution for their agricultural needs.

Best Implement Type Tires on the Market

Tianli's FL model tires stand out from the competition thanks to their unique design and advanced materials that provide optimal grip, stability and damage resistance. Their advanced technical features make them the best implement tires available on the market for even the most demanding agricultural conditions.

Durability Variants

The FL model is available in two durability variants: 14PR and 18PR. Both variants are designed to provide maximum durability and resistance to the toughest working conditions.

14PR: This variant offers balanced durability, ideal for farm trailers used in standard working conditions. It is a solid choice for farmers looking for reliability and long tire life.

18PR: For those who require extra strength and resistance to extreme loads, the 18PR variant is the optimal solution. The increased number of layers reinforcing the tire makes it even more resistant to cuts, punctures and other mechanical damage.

Advanced Construction Solutions

Tianli model FL tires feature an advanced tread pattern that provides excellent grip on a variety of surfaces, from soft ground to paved roads. The special rubber compound used in the production of these tires guarantees flexibility at low temperatures and resistance to abrasion during intensive use.

In conclusion, Tianli model FL tires in size 400/60-15.5, available in 14PR and 18PR variants, are the best choice for farmers looking for high-quality implement tires. With their unique design, advanced materials and availability in a variety of strength variants, these tires offer unmatched performance, durability and adaptation to a wide range of agricultural applications. Choosing Tianli tires is an investment in the reliability and efficiency of agricultural work.

The presented model has been available on the world market for many years and enjoys very good reviews from customers who value quality products at a fair price.

The FI (Flotation-Implement) model is a flotation tire designed for long and trouble-free operation in all kinds of agricultural trailers in need of reliable, proven and robust tires.

A strong and compact bias-ply construction is responsible for the durability of the Tianli FI model and its resistance to mechanical damage. In addition, the tire is characterized by a high tare weight, rivalling tires from a much higher price range in the same size.

Thanks to the classic tread and modern design, the manufacturer has managed to achieve very high self-cleaning properties of the tire, which will be appreciated by any user of trailers working in agriculture.

It is also worth mentioning the ability of the FI model to operate at low (for bias-ply tires for agricultural trailers) pressure, in some sizes as low as 1.8 bar (see - "View tire certificate"). This translates into the lowest possible soil compaction preventing crop damage.

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Preço excl. IVA

  • ≈ 139 576 AOA
  • ≈ 163 USD

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